Saturday, June 7, 2014

Do not forget Redox case where PET revealed that these persons had been watched was about. 20 peopl

Uriasposten Blog Archive Threatening woman in Pia Kjærsgaards 'pepper spray case' was half-militant member of Unity
180 Degrees St. Augustine Record Exchange Berlingske Tidende, BT Dagbladet Information DR Ekstra Bladet Jyllands-Posten Jyske West Coast told the paper Metro Politiken Sunday latin grammy en vivo newspaper TV2 by A4 Monday Morning weekly Weekend newspaper Danish magazines:
Kjaersgaard had March 24, 1998 escape latin grammy en vivo into a bank, as she stood by a taxi in Griffenfeldtsgade in Nørrebro. Having learned from the experience acquired herself a pepper spray, and many will probably remember pepper spray case from 2002 when a woman accosted and pursued Kjaersgaard who was returning from a hairdresser. Woman 'slapped' according Kjaersgaard out for her, and behaved otherwise threatening.
"Friday, November 8th, I met Kjaersgaard on the street and wanted to ask her on the smear campaign, she is helping to whip up against immigrants from non-Western countries. The framework also the African Danes who I am as rabble-rousing goes into people's minds and create political deception. I did not threaten in any way Kjaersgaard. But I soon found out that she would not in dialogue on its own policy. "" (Meeting with Kjaersgaard, 11 November 2002)
Four months later, Anders Fogh Rasmussen and Moller attacked with paint at Christiansborg by Pernille Rosenkrantz-Theill had paved the way for radical leftist from Global Roots. Subsequently refused the then Alliance politician in considerable latin grammy en vivo media attention to distance themselves from the assault, latin grammy en vivo what forced the party executive to reprimand her.
No, because latin grammy en vivo they seek to intimidate elected. That's a pretty serious matter, the same procedure as authoritarian regimes have taken advantage of for centuries. It should go away with the victory of democracy over the autocrats.
> 2 As I see it, hitting terrorism random people. Here, in the case of an individual. -Kjaersgaard. I mean for example. Nor does the pig that attacked Kurt Westergaard committed a terrorist act. It was attempted murder latin grammy en vivo sentence. Rebekah Erna and Miss Rosenkrands also went after the given person. So terror in the true sense, one can hardly talk about. They are assailants. Ahmed Akkari promoting terrorism, but it does not make him a terrorist, it makes him responsible for terrorism. We need to get the law in place here.
Hmmm, I think her that Miss. ema looks somewhat dazed in the picture - I wonder if she has smoked a little too much fool tobacco??? At first sight it does not appear that her brain cells are alive.
@ 11 The past is important. Without the past, no future. The association of long-term unemployed!! How many of EHL's members wonder is on public assistance? Young "healthy / healthy" people. And mentioned are against violence? My only R * V
While muggings are primitive one should not underestimate the power of the left's power in the streets. It is a very powerful tool to have a corps of callous people who are available around the clock.
Do not forget Redox case where PET revealed that these persons had been watched was about. 20 people who 'used all waking hours' on their illegal activities! 20 people latin grammy en vivo are, after all, a drop - Add to that the less fortunate hash tosser latin grammy en vivo you can see in the streets who openly wears AFA symbols and black clothes. There are many people latin grammy en vivo who may be called 'counter-demonstrations' (1) or 'actions' latin grammy en vivo (2) in tidpunkter where normal people are at work.
It is funny. The Left's violent babblers, think it's okay that they can just seek out politicians on the street to ask them about everything, - instead of using political channels we have in Denmark. And while they believe they have the right to strike, kick, smash and kill their political opponents on the street.
Mods Varet must be to right-wing politicians, must be allowed to carry as many weapons they want, get free weapons training and be allowed to shoot all of the Left, who FEEL that they need to ask something. Perhaps it could dampen them a bit, now that they have signed out of democracy and behave like children with behavioral difficulties.
It must also be difficult for affliction List, to manage all the idiots and insane, alcoholics and drug addicts, gurus and egoists, pseudo artists and parasites, they have as members. I do not envy them. The most comical is that they absolutely NOTHING makes these segments of society. It makes DF, on the other hand. But the truth is hard to hear.
The Left does not see its positions as policy, but as general morality. They do not see the political differences can not address them politically, only moral. To be left is to live in a world where left-wing oriented problems a priori define and describe the world. To say its disagreement with the problem statement is to be immoral

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