Saturday, October 5, 2013

NEW his poetic voice in children

Abstract: An attempt was made to specify elements of poetry Mosa Odalović, which marked the whole of his creation n o v poetic voice in Serbian literature for children. In the first part of this paper we highlight certain aspects of poetics and poetry of polyphonic artists, while the second part addresses emmy awards winners 2011 the attention avant-garde spirit of his visual photos of poetry, along with a brief note on the visualization of the literature and visual culture. At the same only generically classified and named some important structural and oblikotvorni models of multi-media emmy awards winners 2011 features. Keywords: emmy awards winners 2011 poet, poetry, children's literature, visualization, visual, avant-garde, traditional, photo song ... It is well known that all the avant-garde, avant-garde and postmodern movements critical of the tradition, they are trying to destroy radicalizing emmy awards winners 2011 poetic and artistic and creative practice. This is, obviously, what happens to their avant-garde emmy awards winners 2011 SIGNALISM Miroljuba Todorovic and neosignalizmom a number of his creative sledbenika.1 But even with the original poetry and avant-garde new-poetic spirit of creativity Mosa Odalović, especially in jubilarskoj book samoantologiji Fifty-five songs - for children course. The fragments poetic emmy awards winners 2011 writings of Signalism Todorovic, vital and spiritual cheer bard Signalism program wrote about the relationship of this neoavangardnog movements and traditions, emmy awards winners 2011 noting that Signalist avant-garde art in a situation with a total breakdown tradicijom2 (underlined N. C.) And a different understanding of art. To paraphrase one of his poetically emmy awards winners 2011 titled record, emmy awards winners 2011 which is somewhat similar to ours: Ongoing (traditional) Signalist (avant-garde) poezija.3 basic, almost essential difference between traditional and signalist-neo avant-garde poetry is based on the fact that traditional poetry and poetics, including poetics Mosa Odalović, starting from generally established, based poetic value, while the avant-garde emmy awards winners 2011 and avant-garde poetry for children and adults tends to verify new axiological values, especially the song, itself a value.
NEW his poetic voice in children's literature Mošo Odalović (1947) is undoubtedly the most famous poet for children in Kosovo and one of the most talented of the new constellation, which has significantly enriched the modern Serbian literature for children and young people and the visual reality of life smislu.4 On examines the eyes of a poet somewhat different sensibilities and coins, forming a new poetic play, vision, pace and visual symbols, new lyrical frolics and connections to the world of childhood, emmy awards winners 2011 its realities and illusions. Odalović, almost, all in being a little emmy awards winners 2011 harsh realities of life by the power of imagination and associativity moves up to the limits of the possible and even beyond. Voice and the reality of life in his verses to doglasava and plays with forms of experiential reality and its experiential projections as to the various emmy awards winners 2011 ways of being refracted readers. All grown from modernity which emanates from being young igrave invokes readers, finds and selects unusual twists, figure and cheerful, humorous situations challenging evokes in his own artificial fashion and the visual direction. Inspired sings about small everyday adventures in family, school, nature, the birds and animals, the present world and the environment, of misunderstandings and confrontations emmy awards winners 2011 with the environment in an effort emmy awards winners 2011 to everything he touches turns into imaginative verse, in a photo, or a visual object track. This in a sense confirmed his first book of songs So many (1973), as well as very important (1973), a deeper witness also following collections: I tell you what (1976), emmy awards winners 2011 freckled Generals (1979), from the amoeba to the baby ( 1982), and Mom is a verb of the verb to do (1986), Comrade Dad, Home Commander (1986). In the early nineties has published: The wind took the pants (1991), emmy awards winners 2011 and Tom Sawyer in Montenegro, and weird book (1995), a book of stories so it was, my bees (1996) and then, later, a very good choice samoantologijski Fifty and five poems (2002). Recently was published in his novel and several books. It is worth mentioning that the reader of children's literature intended for students teachers faculty Dragutin Ognjanovića star cluster, 5 through emmy awards winners 2011 which the well can achieve the educational goals of teachers and their protégés, future učitelja6 - ends exactly anthology poems Mosa Odalović. At the end of the section dedicated to the Serbian emmy awards winners 2011 literature for children are ODALOVIĆ lyrics by Comrade Dad, Home commanders, emmy awards winners 2011 Home Education, Go, my son, which is a kind of recognition of the poet of the modern direction. Odalović in his singing summarizes and combines emmy awards winners 2011 the life-giving in the tradition of those modern and ovovremskim and visually poetic. The resistance choppy technical civilization emmy awards winners 2011 on the genuine joy and warmth reveals new look at what is seemingly obsolete. On the basis of what we somewhere emmy awards winners 2011 far away from the known and the repercussions in the present consciousness, builds, and Gordana Brajović, new characters and looking like Mrvuna and Mrvuljka. It is an imaginative world in which again make out what we already

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