Friday, May 29, 2015

To say that reality cassandra clare clockwork prince has become a spectacle - an unheard provincial

To say that reality cassandra clare clockwork prince has become a spectacle - an unheard provincialism. He universalizue viewing cassandra clare clockwork prince habits formed a small part of the population living in the rich part of the world where the news turned into a fun - a constant style of watching cassandra clare clockwork prince what is most important property of "real" ... [...] This position is not in earnest not directly, but it pushes the idea that the world is no real suffering. cassandra clare clockwork prince But it's absurd to equate the world with rich countries, where people have the dubious privilege of being the audience the pain of others.
Background: Rytsi PANH (Rithy Panh, n. 18 April 1964) - Cambodian-French film director. Born into the family of a school teacher. In 1975, when the Khmer Rouge captured Phnom Penh, family Rytsi PANH, along with almost the entire population of the city, it was evicted in a labor camp, where one by one they died of hunger and exhaustion. After the death of relatives of the future director himself fled to Thailand (1979). There he lived for some time in a refugee camp, and then was able to go to France, where he began to learn carpentry, but became interested in cinema. And documentaries, and movies * Rytsi PANH usually somehow affect the theme of life in Cambodia under the rule of the Khmer Rouge **. (I was not destined to become cassandra clare clockwork prince a director, it was not an obvious choice for me. The crucial challenge cassandra clare clockwork prince for me was to return the dignity and humanity of dead people I had lost in Cambodia.)
Photography, film convey cassandra clare clockwork prince the reality as it is. If you decide to remove Rytsi PANH autobiographical film, he is confronted with a problem - a complete lack of family video footage, photo albums. The ideology of the Khmer revolutionaries was the special combination of the ideas of Rousseau and Marx, and "spoiled" urban residents (mostly big and petty bourgeoisie, the intelligentsia), as well as Buddhist monks were to be deprived of all property and evicted for agricultural work (18-20 hours a day ). Of all the property they retained only one spoon. Naturally, the picture is not encouraging real life evicted cassandra clare clockwork prince people are recorded on tape, could not exist, and home video (I'm looking like a lost childhood ... Check out photos from Pnampenya - No picture ... We - there are no images ...). If Rytsi PANH turned to documentary films before he created the tapes, which witnesses to the events of the past shared their memories, and sometimes tried to act out scenes from the past (similar to the approach used, for example, Joshua Apenhaymer recent "Act murder (The Act of Killing, 2012) dedicated to other genocides in Indonesia cassandra clare clockwork prince 60). In the case of our own history, this approach did not fit. Hence the title of the film - the lack of an image (L'image manquante, 2013). Rytsi PANH decides not to shoot people (because of the family when he was still alive), and clay figurines (he, his mother, his father, his family, the other camp prisoners and their guards). Image "None" also because the events of this and many other terrible cassandra clare clockwork prince events relatively recent history are absent in the mass consciousness, and even in the Cambodia people begin to forget the past.
2nd approach: Yet after Rytsi PANH I blundered against the truth: to discover not missing, they exist. This is primarily a propaganda film by the Khmer Rouge (One such film voiceover comment on this: At last I see the promised revolution. It exists only on film). But this stuff is very problematic. Establish an autobiographical story on the use of these frames would act simultaneously masochistic (to himself as the victim of genocide) cassandra clare clockwork prince and sadistic (in relation to other victims, including the deceased).
Thus, in fact there is not, in principle, detect missing true image. So, after all clay figurines. Newsreels become for them a background, the true invalid men lying face fixing real life biased lens. This creates the effect of alienation *** as director does not forget the difficulty of the idea of truth as well as the fact that the audience sees the movie, not a slice of life (that fragments cassandra clare clockwork prince taken out of life perceived by the first documentary cassandra clare clockwork prince - films Lumiere, and such understanding of documentary cinema still dominates). Alienation in PANH not only in general corresponds to the idea that the identification with the characters prevents critical to perceive a work of art, but also raised the subject cassandra clare clockwork prince of reasoned. In his work "Watching the pain of others" Susan Sontag writes: "While we sympathize, cassandra clare clockwork prince we feel that is not a party that has caused suffering. Our sympathy is indicative of our innocence as well as our helplessness. In this sense, compassion - rather arrogant, though common, comment on other people's suffering. "The Spectator" missing images "deprived of such an alibi, as he constantly reminded that the figures only replace missing people, but not

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