Saturday, May 23, 2015

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- The song was written before the jokes on this subject have become mainstream. But to finish the song and record it does not twirl harder than zabambits picture with the caption in the social network - laughing one member of the group Evgeny Sokolov. - However, kanye west vma 2011 the songs are recorded quickly: we have long not to philosophize with no arrangement, no sound. kanye west vma 2011 The result was a sort of musical demotivators. kanye west vma 2011 We assume that this song we put a fat point and all subsequent similar jokes solemnly clings label "accordion."
- First, a lot of playing acoustically, even twice went to the "Ballad Autumn" (2009 and 2012), but did not avoid the reefs and heavier - says Evgeny Sokolov. - In 2011, our song "I'm emo, Mom," entered the list of the best songs on the results of voting on the site "A dozen hits."
- But now we vykaraskivaemsya of this situation - explains Evgeny Sokolov. - P ruff all our plans now - continue to create new songs, rehearsing the concert program, play concerts, record a dozen albums kanye west vma 2011 and conquer half the world. All of the program, in short :)
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On repeat)

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