Sunday, May 3, 2015

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Frægðarsól South Africa run hero's rose first to the air, he won gold medals in her disability category only 17 years old heimsleikum disabled athletes at the Olympic in Athens 2004. She has been shining high in the sky ever since and no disabled athlete gain as much fame. In the morning struck shadow of the beloved Pistorius died due to bullet wounds at his home in Boschkop district Pretoria in South Africa. juanes mtv
Pistorius has been charged with murder, but police said four balls from the gun owned run's an appropriate head and hands thirty his girlfriend, juanes mtv Reeva Steen Kamp. The incident occurred between four and five o'clock in the morning, 2-3 local time last year. night. The first reports said Pistorius had killed Steen Kamp mistake, he would be considered a burglary on a trip to his house and launched in the defensive end. Police said that from the air taken and added that previously had come to disputes between the couple in the home and police have been called.
The news that Pistorius had killed worked the facts came as bolt from the blue in South Africa where he has been one of the main heroes of the country and for years been living legend. Hardly feel it capita in the country who does not know to Pistorius and the enormous difficulties during which he worked on his way at the pinnacle of sport.
Sperrilegginn needed in both legs Pistorius at birth in Pretoria on November 22 1986. Were legs amputated detected by surgery before he was one year. Young took to the sport and laid up rugby at first but after injuries in the professional game, turned to athletics in early 2004.
Eight months later he pushed his debut in Paralympics in Athens and ran on artificial legs from stoðtækjasmiðnum juanes mtv Iceland, Össur; a kind blöðkum but the taste he got the nickname "blöðkubrandurinn". Hrokkinhærði teenager with spengur mouth caused an uproar when he suggested more experienced competitors who had lost only one foot by two and ran to gold medals in the 200 meters juanes mtv and bronze in the 100 meter dash.
His victory in the 200 meters race at the new world record was remarkable given that he was the accident that took the previous channels but promptly got up and secured her place in the race results. After this performance was noticed and realized that there was a tourist who would be more prominent in the stadium.
Pistorius described his goal to get to the competition with non-disabled athletes at the Olympics. In 2007, it had been stated that he took the competition to the full valiant men in international tournaments around the year 2007. There, he was directly taken with the advantages and the sexes in the first and claimed that koltrefjafæturnir gave him a speed advantage. The shaded it in his excellent juanes mtv performance in these tournaments International athletics Federation (IAAF) was decided to conduct studies on whether he enjoyed juanes mtv the potential advantages from the sprettblöðkunum.
Conclusion IAAF was that in January 2008 was banned Pistorius to compete with able bodied athletes. The man, who among other things had been rewarded for the courage of the British TV, BBC, under the no. He sought for the assistance of the appeal rights of sport (CAS) and after prolonged scientific experiments on the effects of blade exploring Court annulled the competition ban in May 2008. It was too late to Pistorius privacy minima and could get to the competition juanes mtv at the Olympic Games in China the same summer. However, he put a real mark on the world play the disabled in Beijing following the Olympics; won three gold medal in sprinting, juanes mtv 100, 200 and 400 meters.
In after pleasures not much to end would be tied to a sports career Pistorius in Hydroplane accident in South Africa. He received both the head and face injuries and missed the World Championships juanes mtv in Berlin without disabilities 2009. To meet though he it was held in Daegu, South Korea 2011. He captured the semifinals in the 400-meter dash and ran in the heats with their countries of 4x400ml meter relay race. He was not selected to compete in the finals race but won the rural South Africa to the bronze with a third place.
Last year Pistorius won such right to contest the Olympic Games in London and became the first Legless juanes mtv athlete in history to compete in the Olympic Games. As in Daegu year before he came in the semifinals juanes mtv of the 400 meter dash and ran a rural South African championship juanes mtv in 4x400ml meter Bodhi

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