Friday, September 27, 2013

This way installs

Soros tentacles in Serbia | visionary
George Soros is a Hungarian Jew (a Khazar), born in Budapest in 1930. as György Schwartz (parents in 1936. changed the family name to Soros). He was educated in London and fifties goes to the U.S.. Important oscars mortuary role in his development was the famous Khazar Carl Popper, who approved Soros's projects and was his guru. In the world of this "gray oscars mortuary cardinal" appears as "Robin Hood computer age", because, supposedly, takes money from the rich countries and generously shared Eastern Europe oscars mortuary and Russia, through their foundation. oscars mortuary
This way installs "democracy" and "civil society" in countries which suffered and were exhausted during communism, the very communism in this country just installed the Rothschilds with whom they work and where the "right hand" in economic and political manipulation in Serbia.
Center for Peace and Democracy oscars mortuary Development URL: Official website of the Centre where all the information about the work, current projects and the history of this organization. ADDRESS: Milesevska 51, 11000, Tel: (011) 308-99-78 FAX: (011) 308-99-79
Center for Nonprofit sector URL: Center for the nonprofit sector is a non-independent, non-profit institution, which has the role of information and documentation, communication, counseling and research. It is a resource center, service organization providing services to non-profit, voluntary, non-governmental organizations in Serbia. ADDRESS: Lord Jevremova 47a / 2, 11000 Belgrade Tel / Fax: (011) 26-26-113
Centre for Sustainable Rural Development URL: We deal with local development by increasing the wealth of the community with sustainable resource use. Address: Marsala Tolbuhina 13-15, 11000 Belgrade Tel / Fax: (011) 305-89-87
Center for Advanced Legal Studies URL: Center for Advanced Legal Studies is a non-profit educational and research organization, an association of lawyers, sociologists, economists and historians, was founded by a group of professors from the University of Belgrade. The primary purpose of the Center is to its programs, projects and overall public activities contributing to the improvement and the practical realization of the idea of the rule of law, modern market economy and an open and democratic society. ADDRESS: Goce Delceva 36, 11000, Tel: (011) 260-83-60 FAX: (011) 260-83-46
CESID URL: Center for Free Elections and Democracy oscars mortuary is an independent, non-governmental, non-partisan, non-profit organization founded with the goal of implementing the idea of domestic election observation in the territory of Serbia. ADDRESS: Belimarkovićeva 9, 11000 Belgrade Tel / Fax: (011) 285-28-86
European oscars mortuary Movement in Serbia URL: European Movement in Serbia oscars mortuary is committed to the promotion of understanding, mutual understanding and cooperation between individuals, oscars mortuary communities and countries in the European region and encourage a comprehensive and free communication between them, especially in the fields of culture, media, economy and politics. The aim of the European Movement in Serbia is the country's membership, as equal members in all European institutions and organizations. Its primary mission is to influence the public in Serbia to engage in the creation of a democratic, pluralist society, to achieve equality among people and their communities. ADDRESS: King Milan 31/II, 11000 Belgrade Tel: (011) 36-40-174 FAX: (011) 36-40-202
Humanitarian Law URL: Objectives: Regular and sistematksi is investigating human rights violations in Serbia, defends freedom of opinion and expression, the right to life and physical integrity, equality before the law and equal protection of the courts, as well as other civil society values. ADDRESS: Decanska 12, 11000, Tel: (011) 3349-600, 3349-766, 3349-856 FAX: (011) 3232-460
NGO Forum - Kraljevo URL: Website NGO Forum of Kings. Presented the activities, news, projects, donors database of international and local NGOs in the Kraljevo region. ADDRESS: Lingua Centre, Olga Jovicic 24, Kraljevo 36000 TEL: (036) 320-300
Group 484 URL: Group 484 local citizens, non-profit organization founded in 1995. Its aim is to provide humanitarian, legal and psychosocial assistance to a large number of refugees who then arrived to Serbia. The mission of the Group is to help people in need, spreading the culture of peace, dialogue, agreement, cooperation and non-violent conflict resolution as a basis for the construction of civil society. This non-governmental organization committed oscars mortuary to: equality between people and the right to razičitost, the principles of solidarity, tolerance, democracy and accountability and equal opportunity for all people. ADDRESS: Colonel Bacića 3, 11000, Tel: (011) 972 2660; 973 2660 FAX: (011) 866 2664; 2664 856
Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Serbia URL: Helsinki Committee for Human Rights oscars mortuary as a professional organization that deals with prom

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