Friday, May 23, 2014

In this way will the popularity scale has an interest in the Korean wave to form larger groups. It

Hallyu | East Asia Guide
Korean Wave or Hallyu (In Korean: 한류, read: Hallyu) is a neologism describing the growing grammy nominations concert South Korean pop culture from the 1990 demand grammy nominations concert them. (Ha Yu Kun, 2008. Korean Wave, Introduction). The very first time the word has been used in Beijing journalists about 1999., Monitoring the spread of South Korean culture in China, and the phenomenon of naming neologism "H Anli (kin. 韩流).
Hallyu consists of two parts - the Han (韩 kin., cor. 한) imply the existence of Korea or Korean, or LYU ryu (流 kin., cor. 류) meaning a wave or movement. The two parts are combined into a single notion Hanryu or Hallyu (한류) Indo-European language translated by the Korean wave.
Hallyu toughest parts is considered popular music and drama. Initially limited to the Korean wave Korean drama, which was broadcast in East and Central Asia. It is believed that the very beginning, which gave impetus to the Hallyu were in Taiwan grammy nominations concert and China. Here, in 1997. began to show Korean drama "Star in my heart." It depicts the modern buildings, the latest fashion trends, Korea portrayed as a modern and developed country. It destroyed before Taiwanese self-images of the cold-it was believed that South Korea is a country where lack of cultural sophistication, it is full of roughness and violence. grammy nominations concert Those who are interested emphasizes that Korean dramas are more acceptable than that of the West in their content.
Many respondents pointed out that soaps Korėjietiškųjų values and sentimentality is more preferable than that vakarietiškųjų or Japan, as these are based on Confucianism and is based on real life Asians. For example, thanks to the biggest Korean drama is the lack of attention grammy nominations concert paid to Konfucianistinėms values, such as focusing on the family, respect for elders and the focus on the sons. (Sung Sang Yeon, 2008, p. 12-21).
As far as the Hallyu films their strongest side is the desire to divert and re-raise issues that were previously considered taboo. Some of the most distinguished film - Swire and Joint Security Area. They, one of the dominant grammy nominations concert themes of the Korean division of pain and desire again to be connected together. (Aaron Han Joon Magnan Park. 2008, p. 243-244).
Another part of the Hallyu - K-Pop (Korean pop music) has expanded and popularized this phenomenon all over the world. grammy nominations concert Hallyu is currently the most widely known among adolescents grammy nominations concert almost all over the world. Popular groups and artists who have contributed grammy nominations concert to the popularity of the Korean wave - Dong Bang Shin Ki (동방신기 kor.), known as Tohoshinki grammy nominations concert in Japan and China as Xien Qi Tong Vfang (kin. 东方 神 起), a global grammy nominations concert recognition of the age of the Big Bang, 2NE1 girl band, singer Boa as well as a performer Rain (비 kor.).
Rain singer, whose career began very difficult, and has been one of the most popular of the younger generation of Hallyu icons. He began his career in high school, but received only the highest popularity in 2002., grammy nominations concert After their first album release.
Sales have been slow, but the same fall released their second single, it was a real hit, and finally started to become a great star. The first album has sold 180,000 copies, and although it was not very much, it has to be considered quite good debut. grammy nominations concert His second album, released in 2004. Has received more recognition, and the third in 2003., Had the highest achievement. (Russell, 2008, p 148).
As for the artist Boa pupuliarumas they reached the heights after the album "Hear My Heart" and the release of millions of sales outside Korea, in particular Japan. This has greatly contributed to the spread of Hallyu in other countries, and dissemination to foreign markets. grammy nominations concert Youtube, being one of the most used websites to listen to music and look helped Hallyu spread throughout the world. The end of 2011 the total K-pop music clips Pageviews topped 3 billion, while in 2010 the number of views was just 800 million.
In this way will the popularity scale has an interest in the Korean wave to form larger groups. It created another integral component of Hallyu - Fan Clubs. Each group, in order to combine their fans, gave his fans clubs not only exclusive title, but also the color, by the fans oreantuojasi concerts and events. Colors are used as an identification tool to stand out from the other groups.
In 2008. Dong Bang Shin Group Key entered the Guinness Book of Records as the group with the greatest number of fans - 800 000 members only official fan club Cassiopeia South Korea plus Japan BigEast club with 200,000 members, and the remaining oficalių more than 200 000 members worldwide Cassie. In 2009. Cassiopeia improved the record for the second time.
The phrase 사생 팬 the Lithuanian language is translated as "the private life of a fan." Since the beginning of Hallyu popular usage they have become an integral part of K-pop stars part. Saesang fans is not limited to what

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