Tuesday, December 23, 2014

14:19 rotting in prison 18 years for a murder he did not commit, and this is the compensation recei

A. Ž. A. - SP - MP | 30. 03. 2012. - 06: 32h 15: 27h | Comments: 91
BELGRADE - Marko M. (26) from Ugrinovci that the night before last was brought to the VMA without any sign of life and where he died shortly after admission was a "mule", and his death was caused by the fact that it broke one of the 66 capsules, which is a total of 700 grams of cocaine that is smuggled into the stomach.
"The young man who was brought without any sign of life. Nevertheless, an attempt was made to resuscitation and was found, unfortunately, death. Medical procedures has led to the fact that in the blood of the deceased showed the presence of cocaine, "said the head of the Center for Emergency Assistance VMA Lt. Col. Miroslav Vidanovic.
Police are investigating who is Mark M. in his BMW-in brought to MMA. It is assumed that it is the young man waited at the airport and that it is, when he saw that Mark M. sick, drove to the Academy. However, car Mark M. has not yet been found. The investigation determined where he arrived, and it is assumed that he was in one of the countries of South America where it produces cocaine.
It is suspected that the South American plane flew over western Europe. His passport has not yet been found, although not ruling out the possibility that he was traveling with false documents. It also investigates and with whom everything was in contact in recent months because it was suspected that the cocaine smuggled by someone's orders.
Mark M. was already known prior to the police. In mid-February 2010 was arrested because he seriously wounded his friend Alexander G. in a cafe "Time" in Ugrinovcima. After a short argument Marko is from a gun shot three times in the second, 2012 academy awards and then surrendered to police.
Drug couriers carrying drugs in stomachs of drug couriers in various ways trying to smuggle cocaine, and the most drastic is swallowing packets of drugs. These smugglers are called mules because for several days can not carry packages of cocaine in the body. Engaging 2012 academy awards mula is one way for smuggling cocaine from South America to Serbia. SAFER FOR drug bosses drug smugglers who are colloquially called mules are able for several days to carry packages in the body. The interviewee of "Blic" from the police, adding that it can be smuggled up to a kilogram of drugs. The organizers believe that it is safer, and more difficult to detect cocaine trafficked in this way. HOW IS IT SPREAD People who smuggle drugs before traveling to an enema while fully discharged hose. Then swallow packets of drugs for several days can wear them in the stomachs. They know how to package drugs and that stomach acid dissolves the foil. During this time I can not eat, only drink water, in small sips. RISK packet can burst and carrier of drugs while she could die. Engaged by mobilizing people no criminal 2012 academy awards record who do not know who is the organizer of the smuggling of drugs. With mules come in contact through intermediaries and promising them easy money - up to several 2012 academy awards thousand euros. Salaries 2012 academy awards them a plane ticket to some of the countries of South America, where they are waiting for hosts that they repackage drugs in packets of a few grams of which must be swallowed. Next, the airports in Europe back in Belgrade. Only when they arrive, contact with intermediaries, but you still do not know who hired them.
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