Monday, December 30, 2013

Surgery on St George

Later, Saint George appeared to a shepherd in a dream and told him where to find the icon. As he approached the end of the line documentary the area, he heard the ringing of bells, and found the icon, decorated with bells.
But that did not stop her to remain the end of the line documentary outside the church all night.
On the road the driver abandoned the proper course and began to show a threatening attitude against the girl, women apparently were praying and at some point, the driver stopped the car and tried to rape the girl.
She told me and my mother the miracle that happened to her and how she recovered.
When illness made her very sick, asked St. George to cure it (he is known in Egypt as the Prince of Martyrs and doctors because he healed the end of the line documentary thousands of various diseases) ...
Me too!
Even without understanding anything about faith, little Julia enlisted in the Army George the end of the line documentary on the day he was born, April 23. Two years ago, a girl came into the world with the umbilical cord wrapped around the end of the line documentary his neck.
"The grandmother the end of the line documentary of Julinha sensed that there was a risk of death to the baby. There was no way to warn an expectant mother, who was already in maternity, ready for cesarean section. She lit a candle the end of the line documentary and prayed all morning, "says the grandfather of Julia, the journalist William Thickets, 46.
"Just know that motherhood was worse than the INSS, with rows of births and emergency surgeries. My obstetrician seven hours later, said it was better to postpone the birth of my daughter for 23 "describes Danielle.
Surgery on St George's the end of the line documentary Day, took only 30 minutes. "I still hear the instrumentation say: 'Boot her name Jorgina'. With all due respect, I just jot with Jorge "jokes.
More screwed that little Julia was a devotee of Ogun (name of the saint in Candomblé) Oswaldo José de Senna Son, the Cotoquinho, 51. Director of Afoxé Sons of Gandhi, he saw death up close after arguing with a dealer in Morro de São Carlos, in Estacio, which led the group to perform for seven years. "I put my hand in front of the weapon by pure instinct, and only came gunpowder. Believe, only gunpowder! "He says.
Professor of percussion the end of the line documentary instruments the end of the line documentary and vocalist Afoxé, Cotoquinho St. George from boy wonder. "I was raised in Candomblé and recognize the importance the end of the line documentary of energy Ogun (St. George). The red and white represents strength, peace. I make a point of walking dress and armed with his weapons so that my enemies can not reach me, "he says, citing the end of the line documentary a passage from the prayer to the saint.
Luci Vincent de Faria, 63, is another who thanked every day. "My daughter, the end of the line documentary Andreia, suffered from endometriosis (a disease that moves parts of the endometrium outside the uterus) and the doctors wanted to do surgery," she recalls. the end of the line documentary Chief sacristan of the Church of the Venerable Confraternity of Sao Goncalo Garcia and San Jorge, in the Street of Customs, the Center, the devotee did not hesitate. "I was talking to George and, as always, he answered: My daughter is healed and did not need to be operated. Who is devotee knows that he kills the dragon that afflicts us, "poet.
Yesterday 19/04, ordered the recovery of my nephew 3 months which was operated on 11/04 and had faith that by 23/04 (St. George's Day), he was discharged to my happiness and my family, at 10:30 min he was discharged and is already in casa.Pedi also to be solved a little problem regarding your stay and got this grace also.
II-Day Today 17/09/2004 I received the thanks of St. George against the wickedness of family in my life, against envy, revenge and rogadas plagues and persecutions because of family heritage. Thank warrior and advocate against the evil dragon St. George, I freed myself from evil and redeemed myself to Our Lord Jesus Christ for the remission of my sins. Amen Thank you St. George for winning the dragon by his sword on horseback. Eduardo B.
IV-I Joseph Jonas B. resident of Rio de Janeiro come by these thank my St. George patron saint Our Lady Aparecida will to be well with my wife, Waleska and children the end of the line documentary Walace, Karine, Camila and my mother Rita Kassia. That the divine heart protect us.
The following text is adapted from the English, translated from Latin by V. Arras, S. miraculorum Georgii Megalomartyris Collectio Altera (scriptores Aethiopici 32: Louvain, 1953) of the original Ethiopian text which he published as scriptores Aethiopici 31.
It is an adaptation of a translation of a translation, therefore, may miss important aspects, but it can serve for a hint of marvilhas that God works through the intercession of your martyr George.
In Egypt, heard the countless miracles that St. George the Martyr of Christ, was held in a chapel in the town of Beba, that there were Christians and non-believers of all r

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